(You can also refer to Google Scholar)
*: Equal contribution
HerO at AVeriTeC: The Herd of Open Large Language Models for Verifying Real-World Claims
Yejun Yoon, Jaeyoon Jung, Seunghyun Yoon, Kunwoo Park
EMNLP Workshop (FEVER), 2024.
Assessing News Thumbnail Representativeness: Counterfactual text can enhance the cross-modal matching ability
Yejun Yoon, Seunghyun Yoon, Kunwoo Park
ACL Findings, 2024. (BK IF: 4)
ChatGPT Rates Natural Language Explanation Quality Like Humans: But on Which Scales?
Fan Huang, Haewoon Kwak, Kunwoo Park, Jisun An
LREC-COLING, 2024 (BK IF: 2)
A Data-Centric Contrastive Embedding Framework for Contextomized Quote Detection
Seonyeong Song, Jiyoung Han, Kunwoo Park
IEEE Access, 2024 (IF: 3.9)
K-HATERS: A Hate Speech Detection Corpus in Korean with Target-Specific Ratings
Chaewon Park*, Suhwan Kim*, Kyubyong Park, Kunwoo Park
EMNLP findings, 2023. (BK IF: 3)
Perceived masculinity from Facebook photographs of candidates predicts electoral success
Kunwoo Park, Jungseock Joo
EPJ Data Science, 2023. (IF: 3.63)
Detecting Contextomized Quotes in News Headlines by Contrastive Learning
Seonyeong Song, Hyeonho Song, Kunwoo Park, Jiyoung Han, Meeyoung Cha
EACL Findings, 2023. (BK IF: 2)
How Information Flows from the World to China
Yingdan Lu, Jack Schaefer, Kunwoo Park, Jungseock Joo, Jennifer Pan
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2022. (IF: 4.495)
Who Is Missing? Characterizing the Participation of Different Demographic Groups in a Korean Nationwide Daily Conversation Corpus
Haewoon Kwak, Jisun An, Kunwoo Park
ICWSM, 2022. (한국정보과학회 기준 A급)
How does fake news use a thumbnail? CLIP-based Multimodal Detection on the Unrepresentative News Image
Hyewon Choi*, Yejun Yoon*, Seunghyun Yoon, Kunwoo Park
ACL Workshop (CONSTRAINTS), 2022.
Finding epic moments in live content through deep learning on collective decisions
Hyeonho Song, Kunwoo Park, Meeyoung Cha
EPJ Data Science, 2021. (IF: 4.333)
Who Blames or Endorses Whom? Entity-to-Entity Directed Sentiment Extraction in News Text
Kunwoo Park, Zhufeng Pan, Jungseock Joo
ACL Findings, 2021. (BK IF: 4)
How-to Present News on Social Media: A Causal Analysis of Editing News Headlines for Boosting User Engagement
Kunwoo Park, Haewoon Kwak, Jisun An, Sanjay Chawla
ICWSM, 2021. (한국정보과학회 기준 A급)
Learning to Detect Incongruence in News Headline and Body Text via a Graph Neural Network
Seunghyun Yoon*, Kunwoo Park*, Minwoo Lee, Taegyun Kim, Meeyoung Cha, Kyomin Jung
IEEE Access, 2021. (IF: 3.745)
자동화 팩트체킹 연구 동향: 벤치마크 데이터셋 중심으로
한국정보과학회 정보과학회지, 2025.
맥락 품질을 고려한 검색 증강 생성: 한국어 기반 자동화 팩트체킹을 중심으로
송선영, 윤예준, 박건우
Korean DataBase Conference(KDBC) 논문집, 2024.
대규모 언어 모델의 소수 검증 능력 심층 평가: ChatGPT와 PaLM 2를 중심으로
정현우, 박건우
정보과학회논문지, 2024.
대규모 언어 모델의 소수 검증 능력 심층 평가
정현우, 박건우
한국정보과학회 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회(KSC) 논문집, 2023.
자동화 팩트체킹을 위한 대조학습 방법
송선영, 안제준, 박건우
정보과학회논문지, 2023.
뉴스 이미지 대표성 파악을 위한 다국어 CLIP 기반 대조학습 프레임워크: 국⋅영문 교차 언어 실험
윤예준, 정현우, 윤승현, 박건우
한국정보과학회 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(KCC) 논문집, 2023.
초거대 언어 모델 요약문을 활용한 경량 요약 방법
안제준, 박건우
한국정보과학회 한국소프트웨어종합학술대회(KSC) 논문집, 2022.
자연어처리 모델의 예측 편향, 어디에서 왔을까?
한국정보과학회 정보과학회지, 2022.
기사 내용과 관련 없는 대표 이미지를 사용하는 뉴스 기사 탐지:다국어 CLIP을 활용하여
윤예준, 박건우, 윤승현 (학부생 논문경진대회 장려상)
한국정보과학회 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(KCC) 논문집, 2022.
텍스트 분류 모델의 예측 편향 감소 방법론:한국어 뉴스 인용구 감성분석 사례를 중심으로
송선영, 박건우, 한지영, 차미영 (학부생 논문경진대회 우수상)
한국정보과학회 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(KCC) 논문집, 2022.
텍스트 분류를 위한 질문 형태의 데이터 증강 기법
박채원, 박건우
한국정보과학회 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(KCC) 논문집, 2022.
Automatically Detecting Image–Text Mismatch on Instagram with Deep Learning
Yui Ha*, Kunwoo Park*, Su Jung Kim, Jungseock Joo, Meeyoung Cha
Journal of Advertising, 2021.
인기 클립 탐지를 위한 트위치 이모트 임베딩 방법
송현호, 박건우, 차미영
Journal of KIISE, 2020.
Understanding Gender Stereotypes and Electoral Success from Visual Self-presentations of Politicians in Social Media
Danni Chen, Kunwoo Park, Jungseock Joo
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Workshops (MM-W), 2020.
BaitWatcher: A Lightweight Web Interface for the Detection of Incongruent News Headlines
Kunwoo Park, Taegyun Kim, Seunghyun Yoon, Meeyoung Cha, Kyomin Jung
Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News in Social Media. 2020.
Trust Me, I Have a Ph. D.: A Propensity Score Analysis on the Halo Effect of Disclosing One’s Offline Social Status in Online Communities
Kunwoo Park, Haewoon Kwak, Hyunho Song, Meeyoung Cha
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2020.
Learning How Spectator Reactions Affect Popularity on Twitch
Jeongmin Kim, Kunwoo Park, Hyeonho Song, Jaimie Y Park, Meeyoung Cha
International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP), 2020.
Detecting incongruity between news headline and body text via a deep hierarchical encoder
Seunghyun Yoon*, Kunwoo Park*, Joongbo Shin, Hongjun Lim, Seungpil Won, Meeyoung Cha, Kyomin Jung
International AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
Positivity Bias in Customer Satisfaction Ratings
Kunwoo Park, Meeyoung Cha, Eunhee Rhim
The Web Conference (WWW), 2018.
Achievement and Friends: Key Factors of Player Retention Vary Across Player Levels in Online Multiplayer Games
Kunwoo Park, Meeyoung Cha, Haewoon Kwak, Kuan-Ta Chen
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2017.
온라인 게임 내 최고 레벨 유저의 이탈 분석
박건우, 차미영
Journal of KIISE, 2017.
Persistent Sharing of Fitness App Status on Twitter
Kunwoo Park, Ingmar Weber, Meeyoung Cha, Chul Lee
ACM International Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), 2016.
Mining the Minds of Customers from Online Chat Logs
Kunwoo Park, Jaewoo Kim, Jaram Park, Meeyoung Cha, Jiin Nam, Seunghyun Yoon, Eunhee Rhim
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015.
Humour reactions in crisis: a proximal analysis of Chinese posts on sina weibo in reaction to the salt panic of march 2011
Gareth Paul Beeston, Manuel Leon Urrutia, Caroline Halcrow, Xianni Xiao, Lu Liu, Jinchuan Wang, Jinho Jay Kim, Kunwoo Park
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2014.
Voice of the Employees Resonated in Online Bamboo Forests
Kunwoo Park, Jaram Park, SungKyu Park, Jaewoo Kim, Sejeong Kwon, Jinah Kwak, Meeyoung Cha
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media Workshops (ICWSM-W), 2013.
Mood and weather: Feeling the heat?
Kunwoo Park, Seonggyu Lee, Eunae Kim, Minjee Park, Juyong Park, Meeyoung Cha
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2013.
Gender swapping and user behaviors in online social games
Jing-Kai Lou*, Kunwoo Park*, Meeyoung Cha, Juyong Park, Chin-Laung Lei, Kuan-Ta Chen
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2013.